Kolbe Research and Validation

Research and Validation

Research and Validation

Over the years, there have been many research documents, whitepapers,  and articles published, surrounding Kolbe Corp. and Kathy Kolbe’s work.  Below, you will find a selection for your reading and review.

Kathy Kolbe’s work provides undeniable evidence that:

    1. Proves the equality of creative potential in all humans beings, regardless of gender, age, or race.
    2. Improves quality of life with innovative solutions that provide greater individual freedom to thrive through the use of instinctive strengths.
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Kolbe Corp EEOC Information
This study supports that the Kolbe A™ Index is not biased by gender, age or race. Download Kolbe Corp EEOC Information.

Conation: A Missing Link in the Strengths Perspective
This article, from the July, 2008 issue of Social Work, is authored by Karen E. Gerdes and Layne K. Stromwall, both of Arizona State University’s School of Social Work. In addition to providing a thorough history of the concept of conation and Kathy Kolbe’s contributions to the understanding of instinct-driven behaviors, the article outlines a “strengths-based” approach to the practice of social work and suggests areas for future research. The authors, drawing on personal experience as well as documented research studies, conclude that adding conative assessments to cognitive and affective assessments can help social workers create practical interventions which can help individuals achieve a higher quality of life. Download a free abstract Conation: A Missing Link in the Strengths Perspective.

Kolbe Statistical Handbook
Kolbe Wisdom™ has grown out of Kathy Kolbe’s scientific studies, begun in 1970, of learning differences among children. Download the Kolbe Statistical Handbook.

On Kolbe Capabilities and Research
This paper by Laurie Waisel, Ph.D. describes the Kolbe System™ of characterizing and measuring conative patterns of action, the development of Kolbe Indexes, the validity and reliability studies that have been performed on use of the Kolbe Index, and other studies on the Kolbe Index. Download Kolbe Capabilities and Research.

Striving Instincts and Conative Strengths: Assessing The Test-Retest Reliability of The Kolbe A™ Index
An abbreviated version of a paper presented to the 2008 Western Academy of Management conference by Dr. Angela Young on the test-retest reliability of the Kolbe A™ Index using data gathered from 1991 through 2006. Download Striving Instincts and Conative Strengths.

Wisdom of the Ages: Historical & Theoretical Basis of The Kolbe Concept®
This white paper outlines the historical and theoretical basis of the Kolbe Concept. Download Wisdom of the Ages.

University of Arizona Research – Forming Effective Teams in a Workplace Environment (shortened version)
This thesis focuses on forming effective teams in a workplace environment. Download U of A Research – Forming Effective Teams in a Workplace Environment – shortened version.

Statistical Report on Kolbe Indexes
Conducted by Dr. Ryan Thomas, this study provides summaries and meta-analyses of research performed by independent researchers and consultants as well as studies commissioned by Kolbe. Download Statistical Reports on Kolbe Indexes.

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